Really! It's a thing! And we're looking at a June 2012 re-launch. It just won't be here. Roger & Dominic is moving out. Leaving the nest. Getting it's own place with it's own credit cards and keys. And it's throwing a party. And OMG, you're invited! Totes! Just go to and tell 'em the OLD site sentcha.
If you're too lazy, that's cool. Follow me on Twitter and as soon as I have a launch date, I'll twart the info directly into your brain.
Oh and for you Tumblr Junkies. Just add us here. By clicking here. This here. That's the ticket. Now you can just sit back and Roger & Dominics will be delivered directly to your dashboard daily. D WORDS!
More news to come, but don't expect to find regular updates on this page. I was only here for reasons.